If you’ve been following along with the WRETCHED SOUND catalog, you’ll know we’re huge fans of Rochester NWOBHM ninjas, Dyspläcer! Well, as luck would have it, a few of their members have managed to resurrect their other band, DAS BRUTE – another true testament to classic heavy metal being alive and well in the heart of Rochester, NY. The announcement of this band’s arrival on the scene came to an unsuspecting community without warning, so here’s what we’ve managed to learn:

1. Describe in detail the origin story of Das Brute!

Das Brute was born by an evil summoning that predates the origin of man. We as the warriors swore to defend this land from all who dares to tread against it, and uphold the message of pure heart and honor!

2. Who are your biggest musical influences? I’d love to know who first inspired everyone to start playing/singing.

Lost Horizon for sure, their messages and musicianship is truly unmatched! Gloryhammer is another huge influence on us for sure. And of course the greats, judas priest, iron maiden, and rhapsody

3. Who are your favorite underground metal bands in the Rochester scene other than Das Brute and Dysplacer?

Gates of Paradox, Age of Shadows, Ancalagon, and Wicked!

4. Plug your full online presence! Also, when can we expect a single or album?

Das brute on Facebook

das.brute on Instagram

5. Talk about the gear you swear by! Discuss the guitars, mics, amps, cabs, plugins, pedals, drums, hardware, etc. that have impressed you the most since you started playing your respective instruments. What makes these makes and models so special? This segment is mainly for musicians who are just starting out and need guidance on what works and what doesn’t for their respective genres.

Drums: I love pearl drums and Sabian cymbals. The drums I’ve had for years and they sound like cannons if you throw some ec2 Evans heads on them, it’s insane. The Sabian cymbals sounds so epic, that gospel sound makes metal sound like a religious ballad for Satan.

6. I suppose only certain members can answer this one, but what are the odds of getting Dysplacer and Das Brute on the same lineup?! I smell a Wrestle Mania “feud” in the near future!

I think that would be a glorious idea! The clash of mighty warriors shall surely echo through time for ages to come. Your grandchildren will ask you where you were when the titans collided!

7. What’s the story behind the band name?!

Das Brute is actually a primordial demon God that was ressurected by the guardians of chaos-the last of the necromancers. Once it was unleashed into this realm, it immediately began to destroy everything in it’s wake. We swore to take down this beast and carry on the words of true hearts. What our songs are about is the story of this great battle and epic adventure.

8. What have been the most memorable shows you’ve played in your past bands or current bands? What made these gigs so special?

Since most of our members are in Dyspläcer as well, we have to say opening up for raven was awesome. That was a highlight so far for us. Two of our members were also in nuclear winter, and a huge show they had was opening up for unleash the archers. Truly heavy metal juggernauts!

9. Everyone give us a rundown of your personal “scene histories”. List every project you’ve ever been involved with, live band or not.

Das Brute is actually or first serious band that any of us had been with. All other projects came after. Dyspläcer of course, nuclear winter, Polybius, and our singer is in Daylight Black currently.

10. What’s the best advice you can give to musicians looking to start or join their very first band? What has “band life” taught you guys so far?

Always prioritize being good friends above all. Most of our synergy and creative energy comes from being able to express ourselves freely with each other. It also has helped us in communication. We have had a lot of situations, not just on Das brute, but in our other projects that would have probably crumbled other bands, but we stayed strong through them and emerged victorious and stronger as individuals and as a band. Definitely put that at the top. Everything else will come with time, creativity, and dedication.

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